Spinal Injury Lawyers

  • Guiding You With The Legal & Medical Aspects Of Your Spinal Cord Recovery

Downers Grove, IL Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers

According to the statistical info of the National Spinal Cord Injury Association statistics, more than 30 people are paralyzed every day because of disease or spinal cord injuries. Was your spinal cord injury caused by an accident or the acts or another? Here at the Law Offices at Paul J Fina, our spinal cord injury attorney can provide top legal representation as your lawyer in Chicago to help you fight for just compensation. Our team of attorneys in Downers Grove, IL, and all of Chicago’s area is highly knowledgeable of spinal cord injuries’ medical and legal aspects and can deliver affordable and reliable representation.

Understanding Spinal Cord-Related Legal Issues

Spinal cord injuries are severe injuries caused by damages to the spinal column, vertebrae, discs, and bone spinal cord and ligaments injuries are considered non-traumatic or traumatic injuries. Spinal cord injuries are Traumatic, typically the result of a sudden blow to the spine that results in the crushing, fracture, compression, or dislocation of multiple parts of the vertebrae. Traumatic spinal cord injuries in Chicago could be caused by the entry of a foreign object, such as a weapon, into one of the spinal cord regions.

In contrast, non-traumatic spinal cord injuries may result from an underlying medical issue such as cancer, inflammation, disk degeneration, or infections.

The most common types of accidents near you for Downers Grove, IL Chicago, or other happenings that can increase give rise to a back-spinal cord personal injury include:

  • • Slips and fall accidents: People over 65 who suffer from spinal cord injuries have typically sustained their injury due to a slip & fall. Every year, More Importantly: slip and fall accidents in the United States account for nearly 30% of spinal cord-related personal injuries.
  • Motor vehicle car accidents: Automotive and motorcycle accidents are the leading origin of back and spinal injuries, resulting in over 30 percent of spinal cord injuries that happen every year.
  • Violence: Spinal injuries from gunshots or caused by knife wounds account for 15 percent of all estimated spinal cord injuries.
  • Sports & Recreations: sports, such as High impact football and others, account for almost 10 percent of spinal cord injuries which occur every year.

Did You Know?

Suffering a spinal cord injury can often result in paralysis of the legs, or paraplegia, which is and or quadriplegia the entire lower half of the body is paralyzed from the neck down, encompassing both the arms and legs?

Severe such health consequences typically result in permanent disability, preventing the sufferer from ever working again. The medical costs Furthermore that are associated with treating a spinal cord injury are astronomically Expensive. So, suppose you have suffered a spinal cord injury. In that case, it is in your best interest to speak to the best spinal cord personal injury lawyer IN Downers Grove & Chicago, Illinois, immediately.

Contact Our Firm For A Free Consultation

Paul J Fina’s Law Firm is located in Downers Grove, IL, and Chicago. By your side, we will be there for defense and offensive legal lawyer advice and representation while you maneuver the medical and legal issues associated with your spinal cord injury. Contact The Law Firm of Paul J Fina today to speak to one of our spinal cord injury lawyers in Illinois.

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